In "Aatish E Chinar," Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah narrates a captivating autobiography, chronicling his remarkable journey through tumultuous times. Born in Kashmir, Abdullah's life story unfolds against the backdrop of political...
"America's First Daughter" is a historical novel by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie that intricately weaves the story of Martha "Patsy" Jefferson Randolph, the eldest daughter of Thomas Jefferson. Set...
"Beyond the Fields" by Aysha Baqir delves into the intricacies of female empowerment amidst the backdrop of rural Pakistan. Baqir's narrative weaves through the life of a young girl, stretching...
Dear Mr. Jinnah: 70 Years In The Life Of A Pakistani Civil Servant by Salman Faruqui offers a unique and reflective journey through the life of one of Pakistan's most...
"In The Land of The Pure" by Kenize Mourad is a narrative that delves into the intricacies of identity, belonging, and the complexities of cultural heritage. Set against the backdrop...
"Jinnah, India, Partition, Independence" by Jaswant Singh offers an in-depth exploration of the complex political and historical dynamics surrounding the partition of India in 1947. Through a meticulous examination of...
"Jinnah: A Life" by Yasser Latif Hamdani delves into the complex persona of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan. Through meticulous research and engaging narrative, Hamdani provides a...